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Privacy Policy


Cookies - GDPR - etc...

1. What is a cookie?

Cookies are files containing small amounts of information that are stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. This text file may be saved, subject to your choices, in a dedicated space on your terminal's hard drive, when consulting an online service using your browser software.

A cookie file allows its issuer to identify the terminal in which it is registered, during the period of validity.

In addition to cookies, we may be required to deposit mobile device identifiers, such as the IDFA or the SDK. These mobile device identifiers will be referred to as “Cookies” in this Charter.

Cookies are kept for a maximum of 13 months.


2. What are the cookies issued on our site used for?

Only the issuer of a cookie is likely to read or modify the information contained therein.

The cookies used on our site (the site and its mobile application) make it possible to identify the services and sections that the user has visited, and more generally his behavior in terms of visits.


This information is useful for:

• Facilitate your navigation on our site

• Better personalize the services, content, promotional offers and banners that appear on our site

• Offer functionalities relating to the network and social media

• Allow the proper functioning of certain services

• Measure the audiences of certain services.

Cookies are likely to be included in the advertising spaces on our site. These spaces contribute to the financing of the content and services that we make available to you. Cookies are also included in the sharing buttons on social networks.

The cookies used on our websites may be implemented by or administered by partners (publishers of audience measurement solutions, advertising agencies and social networks, for example).


2.1. The cookies we issue on our site:

When you connect to our site, we may be required, subject to your choices, to install various cookies in your terminal allowing us to recognize the browser of your terminal during the period of validity of the cookie concerned.

The cookies we issue are used for the purposes described below, subject to your choices resulting from the settings of your browser software used during your visit to our site.


The cookies we issue allow us to:


A. To facilitate your navigation on our site:

• by adapting the presentation of our site to the display preferences of your terminal (language used, display resolution, operating system used, etc.) during your visits to our site, depending on the hardware and viewing software or of reading that your terminal has,

• by memorizing information relating to a form that you have completed on our site (registration or access to your account) or to products, services or information that you have chosen on our site (service subscribed, content viewed, purchase made, etc.) ).

• by allowing you to access reserved and personal areas of our site, such as your account, using identifiers or data that you may have previously entrusted to us

• by implementing security measures.


B. Consultation of our site:

Our site includes a system allowing any unregistered user to access certain parts of the site free of charge. The user can identify himself by his last name-first name-email in order to continue browsing and is offered a free subscription or support offer.


C. Improving our services:

These cookies make it possible to establish statistics and volume of visits and use of the various elements making up our site (headings and content visited, routes) in order to improve the interest and ergonomics of our services.


D. Adapt the advertising offered on our site:

• by counting the total number of advertisements displayed by us on our advertising spaces, to identify these advertisements, the number of users who clicked on each advertisement and to establish statistics,

• by adapting our advertising spaces to the display preferences of your terminal (language used, display resolution, operating system used, etc.), depending on the hardware and viewing or reading software that your terminal has,

• by adapting the advertising content displayed on your terminal by our advertising spaces, according to the navigation of your terminal on our site and those of our partners,

• by adapting, if necessary, the advertising content displayed on your terminal in our advertising spaces according to the location data transmitted by your terminal with your prior agreement

• by adapting the advertising content displayed on your terminal in our advertising spaces according to the personal data that you have provided to us


2.2. Cookies issued on our site by third parties

The issue and use of cookies by third parties are subject to the privacy protection policies of these third parties. We inform you of the purpose of the cookies of which we are aware and the means at your disposal to make choices with regard to these cookies.


A. Due to third-party applications integrated into our site

We are likely to include on our site / application, computer applications from third parties, which allow you to share content from our site with other people or to inform these other people of your consultation or your opinion concerning content. of our site/application. This is particularly the case with the "Share" and "Like" buttons from social networks such as "Facebook", "Twitter", LinkedIn", "Viadeo", etc.

The social network providing such an application button is likely to identify you through this button, even if you did not use this button during your consultation of our site/application.


Indeed, this type of application button can allow the social network concerned to follow your navigation on our site, simply because your account with the social network concerned was activated on your terminal (open session) during your navigation on our site.

We have no control over the process used by social networks to collect information relating to your browsing on our site and associated with the personal data they have. We invite you to consult the privacy protection policies of these social networks in order to learn about the purposes of use, in particular advertising, of the browsing information that they may collect through these application buttons.


These protection policies must in particular allow you to exercise your choices and rights with these social networks, in particular by setting up your user accounts for each of these networks.


B. Through third-party content distributed in our advertising spaces

Advertising content may contain cookies issued by third parties: either the advertiser behind the advertising content concerned, or a third-party company to the advertiser (communication consulting agency, audience measurement company, service provider targeted advertising, etc.), which associated a cookie with the advertising content of an advertiser.


If necessary, the cookies issued by these third parties may allow them, during the period of validity of these cookies:

• to count the number of displays of advertising content distributed via our advertising spaces, to identify the advertisements thus displayed, the number of users who clicked on each advertisement, allowing them to calculate the sums due as a result and to establish statistics,

• to recognize your terminal during its subsequent browsing on any other site or service on which these advertisers or third parties also issue cookies and, if necessary, to adapt these third-party sites and services or the advertisements they broadcast, to the navigation of your terminal of which they may be aware.


C. By an external advertising agency using our advertising space

The advertising spaces on our site are likely to be operated by one or more external advertising agency(ies) and, where applicable, to contain cookies issued by one of them. If necessary, the cookies issued by these external advertising agencies allow them, during the period of validity of these cookies:

• to count the total number of advertisements displayed by them on our advertising spaces, to identify these advertisements, their respective number of displays, the number of users who clicked on each advertisement and, where applicable, the subsequent actions taken by these users on the pages to which these advertisements lead, in order to calculate the sums due to the actors of the advertising distribution chain (advertiser, communication agency, advertising agency, site/distribution medium) and to establish statistics.

• to adapt the advertising spaces they operate to the display preferences of your terminal (language used, display resolution, operating system used, etc.), depending on the hardware and viewing or reading software that your terminal includes.

• to adapt the advertising content displayed on your terminal via our advertising spaces according to the navigation of your terminal on our site.

• to adapt the advertising content displayed on your terminal via our advertising spaces according to the previous or subsequent navigation of your terminal on third-party sites within which the management concerned also issues cookies, provided that these cookies have been saved in your terminal in accordance with the choices you have made with respect to this management.

• to adapt the advertising content displayed on your terminal via our advertising spaces according to the location data (longitude and latitude) transmitted by your terminal with your prior consent.

• to adapt the advertising content displayed on your terminal in our advertising spaces according to the personal data that you may have provided to this advertising agency.


3. Your choices regarding cookies

You have several options for managing cookies. Any configuration that you can undertake will be likely to modify your navigation on the Internet and our site as well as your conditions of access to certain services requiring the use of cookies. You can choose at any time to express and modify your wishes in terms of cookies, by the means described below.

The choices offered to you by your navigation software:

You can configure your browser software so that cookies are saved in your terminal or, on the contrary, that they are rejected, either systematically or according to their issuer. You can also configure your browser software so that the acceptance or refusal of cookies is offered to you from time to time, before a cookie is likely to be saved in your terminal.


For more information, see the section "How to exercise your choices, depending on the browser you use?"


A. The Cookie Agreement

The recording of a cookie in a terminal is subject to the will of the user of the terminal, which the latter can express and modify at any time and free of charge through the choices offered to him by his navigation software.


If you have accepted the recording of cookies in your Terminal in your browser software, the cookies integrated into the pages and content that you have consulted may be temporarily stored in a dedicated space on your terminal. They will be readable there only by their issuer.


B. Refusal of Cookies

If you refuse the registration of cookies in your terminal, or if you delete those which are registered there, you will no longer be able to benefit from a certain number of functionalities necessary to navigate in certain areas of our site.


This would be the case if you tried to access our content or services that require you to identify yourself.


This would also be the case when we - or our service providers - could not recognise, for technical compatibility purposes, the type of browser used by your device, its language and display settings or the country from which your device appears to be connected. to internet.


If necessary, we decline all responsibility for the consequences linked to the degraded functioning of our services resulting from the impossibility for us to record or consult the cookies necessary for their functioning and which you would have refused or deleted.


B.1 How to exercise your choices, depending on the browser you use?

For the management of cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu of your browser, which will allow you to know how to modify your wishes in terms of cookies.

• For Internet Explorer™

• For Safari™

• For Chrome™

• For Firefox™

• For Opera™

• etc... For what is not referenced here, do not hesitate to do your own research...


B.2 Refuse a Video Cookie

Our site uses Video cookies to display videos on our site. This service places cookies on users' computers for the purpose of:

- to optimize the use of the video service by its users;

- to personalize the advertising broadcast before or after the video;

- save the data needed to play audio video content, such as image quality, buffering settings, and network connection speed.

You can also click on the following links to learn more about their practices and exercise your choice:

For Youtube  

For Digiteka


B.3 Refusing a notification cookie or reading settings

Our mobile applications use Cookies (SDK) to offer you more practical notification features on mobile devices (“Push”).

For Batch

For Teads


B.4 Refusing a Cookie for audience measurement or segmentation

Audience segmentation cookies are deposited by the companies, Alliance Gravity Data Media (operated by the company Mediarithmics cf. 4) and Weborama (cf. 5).

If you do not want our site to save Cookies in your browser for audience measurement and segmentation purposes, you can refer to paragraphs 4 and 5 or click on the following deactivation link which will save in your browser a Cookie whose sole purpose is to deactivate them:

• For Nugg Ad

• For Crashlytics

• For XiTi - For the AT Internet XiTi cookie  

• For Adjust

• For ACPM

IP addresses and cookie values are collected by the ACPM for purely statistical audience measurement purposes. They may be processed by TNS Sofres as well as by its possible subcontractors, including Médiamétrie, as part of the ONE Next Press Audience Measurement Survey.

Please note, these segmentation cookies make it possible to measure the traffic or audience associated with our website, the pages visited and the interactions made on the Site during your visit. Deactivating them therefore prevents any collection of information relating to your browsing on our Site and therefore the proposal of editorial content adapted to your browsing.


B.5 Refusing an advertising Cookie, placed via the website or mobile application

You can manage the use and operation of these Cookies by visiting the Advertising Cookies management platform offered by advertising professionals and following the instructions given there.

You will thus be able to know the companies registered on this platform, which offer you the possibility of refusing or accepting the Cookies used by them to adapt to your navigation information, the advertisements likely to be displayed.

Some Cookies for behavioral advertising purposes are placed by third-party partner providers. You can also click on the following links to learn more about their practices and exercise your choice:

• For DoubleClick for Publishers Cookies

• For Appnexus Cookies

• For Ligatus Cookies

• For Tradelab Cookies

• For Rubicon Project

• For Outbrain

Please note, deactivating this will prevent the display of any advertisements targeted to your areas of interest, however you will continue to receive other advertisements. Disabling these Cookies prevents the collection of information allowing better advertising targeting during your visits.


B.6 Refusing a Cookie issued by a social network

If you do not want our site to save Cookies in your browser for this purpose, you can click on the following deactivation links which will save a Cookie in your browser whose sole purpose is to neutralize the use of other cookies from the same issuer.

Disabling these Cookies will therefore prevent any interaction with the social network(s) concerned:




• For YAHOO  


Please note that the consideration of your various wishes is based on one or more specific Cookies. If you delete all the Cookies stored on your terminal concerning our site, we will no longer know what consent or refusal you have issued. This will therefore amount to resetting your consent and you will therefore have to again refuse the Cookie(s) that you do not wish to keep. Similarly, if you use another Internet browser, you will have to refuse these Cookies again because your choices, like the cookies to which they relate, depend on the browser and the terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) that you use to consult our site.


C. "Flash"© cookies from "Adobe Flash Player"™

"Adobe Flash Player"™ is a computer application that allows the rapid development of dynamic content using the "Flash" computer language. Flash (and similar applications) remembers the settings, preferences and use of this content using a technology similar to cookies. However, "Adobe Flash Player"™ manages this information and your choices via an interface different from that provided by your browser software.

Insofar as your terminal is likely to view content developed with the Flash language, we invite you to access your Flash cookie management tools, directly from the Adobe site.


4. Cookies and similar technologies used when affiliated with Gravity Alliance Data Media

In case of affiliation of our site “” to the Gravity Data Media Alliance (hereinafter “The Gravity Alliance”).

Learn more about the Gravity Alliance    

In order for the ads appearing on our Site, Gravity Member Sites or other sites, to be as relevant as possible, Gravity collects, reconciles and analyzes pseudonymous information from your browsing on Gravity Member sites (online activities, visits, page views, links and advertisements viewed, etc.) or on mobile applications published by Gravity Members and partners, using a line of code inserted into the pages you visit (Gravity Tag operated by mediarithmics ). The Gravity Tag is also used to limit the number of times you see an advertisement on our Site, Gravity Member Sites or other sites and to measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.


A. To learn more about the Gravity Tag

The Gravity Tag and other identifiers placed in the cookies used by Gravity and members of the Gravity Alliance, are associated with each other for each device on which you log in. This data does not include any data allowing Alliance Gravity to identify you directly. This data is cross-referenced with navigation data and other information collected during your relations with Members of the Alliance Gravity network, and made pseudonymous before any use by Alliance Gravity, for the purpose of drawing up your user profile and associating it with it. areas of interest from which advertisements will be served on behalf of advertising partners.

These exchanges of cookies thus allow (i) Gravity to enrich user profiles from data held by persons other than Gravity or Gravity Members, and vice versa (ii) to the customers of partners offering these exchange services cookies to enrich user profiles from data held by Gravity or Gravity Members, for advertising targeting purposes.

These collections and associations are carried out under conditions ensuring your “pseudonymity”.


B. Consequence on the display of advertisements

Thus, only advertisements concerning news, products or services likely to interest you and of which you would not necessarily have been aware otherwise will be displayed on the pages visited.

In the event of refusal to use the Gravity Tag, advertisements will continue to be displayed on the web pages you visit, but will no longer be adapted to your centers of interest.

To object to this use, please see the section “Your choices regarding cookies (3)”


C. Duration of Use of Gravity Cookies and Pseudonymous Data Collected and Combined by the Gravity Alliance

Pseudonymous data collected via the Gravity Tag is retained by the Gravity Alliance for a maximum of 12 months from the date of collection. Gravity cookies expire 12 months after they are deposited.

You can opt out of receiving personalized advertisements served through the Gravity Alliance, by clicking on the link below Gravity Alliance

Please note that this deactivation

1/ does not affect the display of advertisements served by other partners

2/ do not affect the areas of interest that you expressly communicate to

To oppose any advertising targeting on our site, we invite you to consult the section Your choices concerning cookies (3).


5. Cookies and similar technologies used when affiliated with Weborama

If our site is affiliated with Weborama and so that the ads appearing on our Site are as relevant as possible, Weborama collects, reconciles and analyzes pseudonymous information from your browsing on our site (online activities, visits, page views , links and advertisements seen…) or on mobile applications published by, using a line of code inserted into the pages you visit (Tag Weborama). The Weborama Tag also makes it possible to limit the number of times you see an advertisement on our Site and to measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.

A. To learn more about the Weborama Tag

The Weborama Tag and the other identifiers placed in the cookies used by Weborama are associated with each other for each device on which you connect. This data does not include any data allowing Weborama to identify you directly. This data is cross-referenced with browsing data and made pseudonymous before any use by Weborama, for the purpose of drawing up your user profile and associating with it centers of interest from which advertisements will be served on behalf of advertising partners.

These collections and associations are carried out under conditions ensuring your “pseudonymity”.


B. Consequence on the display of advertisements

Thus, only advertisements concerning news, products or services likely to interest you and of which you would not necessarily have been aware otherwise will be displayed on the pages visited.

In the event of refusal to use the Weborama Tag, advertisements will continue to be displayed on the web pages you visit, but will no longer be adapted to your centers of interest.

To object to this use, please see the section “Your choices regarding cookies (3)”


C. Duration of use of Weborama cookies and pseudonymous data collected and associated by Weborama

Pseudonymous data collected via the Weborama Tag is kept by Weborama for a maximum of 13 months from the date of collection. Weborama cookies expire 13 months after their deposit.

You can opt out of receiving personalized advertisements served through Weborama, by clicking on the link below Weborama

Please note that this deactivation

1/ does not affect the display of advertisements served by other partners and

2/ do not affect the centers of interest that you expressly communicate to

To oppose any advertising targeting on our site, we invite you to consult the section Your choices concerning cookies (3).


6. For more information on cookies

To guide you in the process of limiting your traces on the web, if you wish, and being aware that this may degrade your navigation on our site and access to our services and/or your subscription, we invite you to consult the following page: THE CNIL

The CNIL (Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés) has produced a video to find out everything about cookies. The video is available here: Cookies Info

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